Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ladies, it's time to get S.M.A.R.T

Before, we get started I just want to thank a moment to Welcome you all! Glo and myself (Daisy) are so excited to finally put our own goals into action by sharing this blog with you all.  All we want is to foster a catechism of positive energy, motivation, and understanding in regards to those striving or considering a weight loss journey. I hope you find the tips, support, and advice you need to get Fit, Fab, & Fierce!
Now, let's get down to business. Ever thought, "wow I know I want to begin a weight loss journey" but you were just  never too sure how? Well, this is where I come in to save the day!

Here are a few quick tips--to keep in mind before beginning your journey. To keep it as simple as possible you must be S.M.A.R.T! How or what am I talking about you may ask? Well, listen up and follow these easy guidelines:
  • S-Specific--Try to narrow in as much as you can by asking: what, why, and how. What exactly are you getting out of the weight loss journey? Why do you even want to commit to such a journey? How will you do it? (Will you calorie count, try a weight loss program like Weight Watchers, or will you simply track?)
  • M-Measurable--Rule of thumb: "If you can't measure it then you can't manage it!" Get the proper cooking tools to help make keeping track of portions as smooth as possible. It will save you so much trouble and eliminate the bad habit of guesstimating the value of the foods your eating! Accuracy is very important here.
  • A-Attainable--Don't reach for the stars just yet. Take baby steps and settle for a smaller goal. If you set your goals too far out of reach, you will be bound to lose hope, motivation, and determination. There is nothing wrong with taking it slow. It's actually recommended.
  • R--Realistic--Be honest with yourself. You know your limitations and your expectations. Honesty will help move you along in your journey. However, lack of honesty will only hold you back from future achievements. We all know that it is very easy to be dishonest with others but not with yourself. So, don't be upset if you don't reach the results you were aiming for overnight! Be honest with yourself because you already know it all takes time. Speaking of time...
  • T--Timely--Time is key. Put an end point on your weight loss goal for finality. It will give you a clear and definite target to work towards for your weight loss goals. Leaving it open ended is like leaving your AC on all year around, eventually it will just stop working.
I want you all to grab your nearest notepad or weight loss journal (which I highly recommend you use) and map out your S.M.A.R.T guidelines. Once, your done you won't just have an idea of what you need to do to begin--you'll actually have a plan!

You can even share some of your answers below in a comment or in the daily message board on the sidebar. I hope this was helpful in seeing that being: Fit, Fab, & Fierce is completely doable!


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